Police discovered that "two younger girls" had been seen placing flowers and cards on police cruisers.
CANTON White roses tinged with blue were placed Tuesday - apparently
anonymously - on Canton police cruisers downtown.
The gesture, along with accompanying cards of support, was a surprise to the officers who drive those vehicles.
Police later discovered that "two younger girls" had been seen placing the flowers and the cards, which read, "We see you. We support you. We honor you."
"We don't know what organization they're from or why they were doing that. However, we do appreciate that our efforts are appreciated. It was a very kind gesture," said Capt. Dave Davis, who heads the police department's patrol division.
Lt. John Gabbard echoed his sentiments.
"Love it! What a wonderful thing for someone to do," Gabbard said. "No one does this job for recognition. But it's good to know that we have the support of the community and it's just humbling that someone would take their time to recognize us and reassure us that we have that support."
Gabbard said a lot of the officers brought the roses and cards into headquarters, placing them in various places throughout the police station, including outside Chief Bruce Lawver's door.
"Everywhere we look around the department, we can see them," he said.
By Lori Monsewicz